+32 015 39 25 94
Leuvensesteenweg 180, P.O Box 3191 Boortmeerbeek, Vlaams Brabant, Belgium.
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FABIF Offers Financial Aid
The Faith Builder's International Foundation - FABIF, on Friday February 24th supported Mr. Mominou with money to begin Petit trading in cooking oil.

The Faith Builder's International Foundation - FABIF, on Friday February 24th supported Mr. Mominou with money to begin Petit trading in cooking oil. The three man delegation of the foundation, assisted him in purchasing the cooking oil from the Tiko main market and handed to him, encouraging to nurture the seeds of faith in his life, such that it blossoms and multiplies. Mr. Mominou on his part was pleased with the gesture. He says he is an underprivileged and a patient. Therefore, the business will keep him busy and help him financially. FABIF is wishing him the best.

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