+32 015 39 25 94
Leuvensesteenweg 180, P.O Box 3191 Boortmeerbeek, Vlaams Brabant, Belgium.
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FABIF Hospital Reachout & Donation

The Faith Builders International Foundation - FABIF on Sunday February 20, 2023 made material donations to some sick persons of the surgical ward of the Limbe Regional Hospital. The items donated included beverages such as milk, ovaltine, sugar and toiletries like savon, detergents and toilet roll.

The three man delegation led by FABIF Country Director Mme. Vera Akwen supervised by the nurses on duty, moved from patient to patient donating the items with all smiles.

Mme. Vera encouraged the patients to keep trusting God for complete healing comes from Him. The patients on their part were excited receiving the gifts. Despite their pain and sadness, they still struggled to put up smiles and show much appreciation, thanking God Almighty for using FABIF to bless them.

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