+32 015 39 25 94
Leuvensesteenweg 180, P.O Box 3191 Boortmeerbeek, Vlaams Brabant, Belgium.
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Faith Builders International Foundation -FABIF has carried out it's 2023 Back-to-School project. The project was aimed at paying the school fees of three (3) kids and providing school needs to a community School in Banga Bakundu. This took place on the 24th and 25th of October 2023 in the towns of Buea and Limbe respectively.

FABIF team led by the country director, Ma'am Vera Akwen made the school fees donations to Peter Fotso, a primary three (3) pupil of CS Sandpit and Mando Akongwe, form five (5) student of ICES Buea.
Meanwhile in Limbe, the school fees donation was awarded to Mbile Brandon, form one (1) student of GTHS limbe.

These beneficiaries expressed their gratitude to FABIF for the donation and prayed God to replenish the source. It should be noted that school materials such as exercise books, pens, pencils, and chalk were handed to Rev. Eta for onward transmission to the community school in Banga Bakundu. Faith Builders International Foundation - FABIF is a not-for-profit organization with headquarter in Belgium. It's aim is to care for the needy while helping them grow in the faith of Christ. It is headed by Ma'am Bih Fon Gwannanji Verschelde.

There is no greater joy than fulfilling a vision that God has put in your hands. Father we thank you for provision and for being faithful to the vision. Special thanks to Rev Eta Benson, for successfully handing the school materials to the kids in Banga despite all the challenges.

Dear friends of FABIf, we are trusting God to provide this school with benches for next academic year. Please if God is laying in your hearts to be a blessing to these kids , please don't hesitate to reach out. You can make a donation here. No donation is too small. In God we put all our trust.